Casual Workers, Hallucinations and Appropriate Ghosts, 1994, a video installation, was commissioned for the lobby of a movie theater in Time Square by Creative Time, Inc. and the 42nd St. Development Corp. for The 42nd Street Art Project. The piece tracks a metamorphosis from a choreography based on the gestures of Charcot’s “theater” of hysteria to a choreography of the female heroines of martial arts.
It is accompanied by a narrative about disturbances in the fabric of human intimacy followed by a three minute symphony constructed entirely of screams. The piece was situated at the end of a series of adult video stores and presented an alternative view of the subject matter at hand on 42nd street. Posters for the project were in the external glass cases of an empty movie theater on the street, sound and video were seen and heard from behind the glass doors projecting onto the street 24 hours a day.